Kendra Williams
Kendra is a Sanford native, raised by two Sanford educators. She lived with her husband, Paul, in Danvers, MA for the first few years of their marriage and then returned to Sanford and bought the home that they still live in after the birth of their first child, Shawnda. They subsequently had two sons, Blaine and Brett. All are Sanford High graduates and returned here after college to live and work in Sanford with their families, which include 6 grandchildren. Kendra and Paul founded Williams Foundations in 1974 and are pleased that one of their sons now owns the business and has continued to successfully expand it.
Kendra also established a children’s clothing store, Kids Kasuals in 1979. After selling it she returned to college to complete her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. She initially worked in the field of child welfare before returning to school to earn her Master’s Degree in Social Work and then obtained her clinical license. She has held jobs in management and program development for organizations including Youth Alternatives, Woodfords Family Services and as the Director of Home Visiting and Community Programs for Goodall Hospital and SMMC.
After becoming further certified in Grief Counseling, she opened her own counseling practice specializing in grief and family counseling, from which she has recently (almost) retired. Over time, she has served on various committees in this community including the Warrant Committee, Community Development Advisory Committee, Group Home Advisory Committee and the Performing Arts Committee and WSSR Advisory Committee. She was a member of the Sanford School Committee for 10 years and is currently on the Core Building Committee, Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation Board, and Strategies for a Stronger Sanford Board.